Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Baby Om Nom Nom

I been eating "outside" food pretty regularly. Mom and dad mix some baby rice cereal with formula and organic baby food and I eat two meals of that a day.

This weekend was Memorial Day. Mom, dad, Bowser and I went to their friend's Chip's house in Merced to chillax in the heat.

I also met my uncky Brandon there. He took some snapshots of me like this one:

To see more of the pics Uncky Brandon took, click here

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day and 6 Months Old

Mother's Day was Sunday. I gave mommy something special

This is her opening it

And this is after she opened it.

It was a locket with my picture in it.

Monday I turned six months-old. And Tuesday I had a doctor's appointment. Everything's still looking good. I weigh 18 1/2 pounds now and I'm in the upper 75th percentile of baby size.

Rolling over pretty good now,

and trying to eat a couple meals of solid food a day.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Giggle Monster


I have rolled over from my back to my stomach. Now I can roll all over the mat when I'm laying down :o)

Also, my eyes are turning brown, I think they are pretty obviously changing colors.
