Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dancing Baby

Dancing and eating, I love it.

I took a few steps the other night.  A quick stumble from the crib to the wall.

On Valentine's day, mom and dad and Bowser and me went to the beach.  The weather was great, and so was the sand.

and here's me and dad a couple days later

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

High Definition Baby!

My dad had to get a new HD Flip Camera for his work.  Look how beautiful it is--

Mommy didn't find this video as funny as daddy and me did (probably because it's her shoe.

On Saturday, Mommy, Daddy, me, and uncky Brad went to the Giants FanFest at AT&T Park.  Click ont he picture below to see some shots from our day.


We had lots of fun and even walked around on the field -- without grass because it was raining :(  oh well.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm upside down

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Play Time!

Bowser and I are the greatest friends

Daddy and I like to play too

But I have the best time with mommy because she takes me to fun places where we play. Like the Discovery Museum

Monday, February 1, 2010

